“I’m getting old”

“I’m getting old”

I have heard people from age 25 – 85 say this and if you have ever utttered these words then this ones for you. To save you some time – here’s my point.

You aren’t just getting older – you’re not managing your health, fitness, nutrition, energy, body and lifestyle well.

You may be experiencing more aches and pains than your youth. You may find yourself having less energy and vigor than your youthful self. That is natural. But how much are you exercising now compared to then? How much more stress have you placed on yourself? How much less time do you spend at play or just being happy?

I’m not proposing you start training for the olympics at age 60 but don’t kid yourself into thinking your health and fitness is slipping only because of your age. Your health and fitness is slipping because you are letting it. We lose strength, mobility and fitness if we do not use them and that can happen at any age.

In his great book “Saving your life one day at a time” Dr. Roy Sugarman discusses how people who manage their health, fitness and lifestyle properly can maintain elite levels of fitness right into their sixties. He makes the point that by doing nothing we are allowing poison to build in our system until eventually it overflows and you have a problem. I see people often just accepting this as part of ageing…

… it doesn’t have to be that way. If you aren’t already exercising daily, eating well and managing your lifestyle factors you can start now. If you don’t know where to start – start with simple stuff like walking, yoga, swimming etc You need to learn what is right for you but i can assure you – inactivity is not good for you.

An especially great way to return to exercise or add to your health and fitness routine is with stretching or yoga. You can gain strength, mobility and also relaxation and refreshment and repair some of the muscle imbalances and movements problems you have acquired with your ageing/inactivity. Strength training and fitness work are also foundational but that depends on why you are training.

“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, the second best time is today” I think this means something like it’s never to late to grow.


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“I’m getting old”

I have heard people from age 25 – 85 say this and if you have ever utttered these words then…

April 27, 2023

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